Healthcare recruitment needs to add value

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The tides are changing within the NHS and the seasonal ebb and flow is in full swing right now, as the unending winter pressures begin to escalate further in the run up to the approaching festivities at Christmas. With senior management tightening purse strings relentlessly, savings are high on the NHS agenda, so it is important that as a healthcare recruitment company, we don’t just supply locum staff to fill a gap in a rota, but that we really provide the extra value that is a necessity in supporting NHS services.

One example of this is our ongoing commitment to our clients at Total Assist Group is holding regular review meetings with our clients – we view these as valuable insight portals into how we can continuously tailor our services to provide exactly what our valued clients need. These review meetings are usually held every quarter for more established contracts or more frequently during initial implementations. We believe in providing face to face contact as often as our clients would like to see us. Review meetings are crucial, as not only do we discuss compliance, general fulfilment levels and financial information, but we also analyse the challenges that could be facing the trust and how we can help them cope with this.

Review challenges

It is vital for us as a company to rank our performance, and gain useful feedback to how we as a business can develop and improve. We talk to trusts about how we can help drive down costs and we mutually share industry information, to create a viable, sustainable and knowledgeable working relationship. We strive to look at improvements to our service so that we can build upon solid foundations to really help keep the NHS as stocked as possible with hard working, well qualified locum, temporary and permanent staff.

We actively invoke innovation, playing an engaging role in NHS trusts’ staff management schemes as we come up with ideas to help dissemble challenges, whilst also moving forward successfully. We feel that it is imperative to meet face to face to do this, regularly catching up and visiting hospital staff on their local site. Our one and only aim is to support the healthcare industry and make medical staffing as easy and simple as possible, whilst also proving effective and efficient. Regular review meetings help us keep tabs not only on how the industry is developing, but also on how we can grow with it, to continuously give the best possible quality service.

[testimonial name=”Toby Colley” who=”Head of Client Services” imagelinks=”” vertical=”no”]”As Head of Client Services, I am responsible for business development, strategic planning and I have overall responsibility for the supply and sustainability of our services to our clients. I have been in the industry for 15 years, so please get in touch for any advice or help with your staffing requirements.”[/testimonial]