What character traits do you need to be a recruitment consultant?

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Motivational and thriving, the world of Total Assist is steaming ahead full throttle, and we are always keen to snap up new talent to build our business. Although being a recruitment consultant can be financially rewarding, it is also an incredibly demanding role, so it is important to ensure that you have all the key personal skills to help promote you to the top of the recruitment ladder. Read on if you think you have what it takes…


1) Be persuasive

As a recruitment consultant, you are basically a form of sales person, except the commodity you are pitching is a person. Being persuasive will aid you greatly in your career, as you talk to numerous clients, convincing them that you have just the right person for the job. You’ll have to showcase to them how your candidate ticks all their boxes, and why they should be hired instantly. You will also need to use your powers of persuasion when networking, encouraging candidates to apply for certain positions, or to register with Total Assist if you are generating new business.

2) Have confidence

You need to believe in what you are selling to be successful and to give weight to your sales pitch for the doctor you are representing. Along with confidence comes the ability to think on your feet, and cope calmly with any unexpected or quick fire questions. Having the confidence in yourself to deal with any situation that could come your way, as well as confidence in your candidates, will see your career come on in leaps and bounds.

Office image 43) Be communicative

A large part of being a recruitment consultant is communicating, whether this be with other colleagues, candidates you are trying to place or clients who are looking to fill jobs. You will need to be able to interact succinctly and confidently with a wide mix of people, no matter whether they are higher or lower in rank than you or what they may be asking you to do. Maintaining and building your network of candidates also requires a high level of communication skills, as you will need to make sure they come to you first when looking for work, and also that they provide you with referral insights. Keeping up positive and professional relationships is an absolutely vital aspect of this job.

4) Hard working

Needless to say, being a recruitment consultant is hard work, but the dividends pay off if you are dedicated enough to knuckle down. The environment is fast paced and speedy, with everyone rushing to jump on opportunities as they arise so you will need to be able to keep up if you want to see results and career progression. The more hours you put in, the more phone calls you make, the more work you generate – it all adds up to extra pounds and pennies on your payslip. Recruitment is luckily one of the industries where hard work really does pay off and Total Assist lets you reap the rewards.

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5) Be resilient

You get knock-backs in any business, but especially so in sales. You may come across candidates who refuse to accept last minute opportunities, or clients who don’t want what you have to offer, however you have to learn to brush off these inconveniences and get stuck in to the next task that you come across.


[testimonial name=”By Justin Rich” who=”Chairman at Total Assist Group ” imagelinks=”https://totalassist.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Justin-5.jpg” vertical=”no”]”Total Assist was founded by myself in 1999 specialising in the supply of Locum Doctors and today more than 70 ambitious employees occupy our modern offices and headquarters in Essex.”[/testimonial]


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