Care Clinical Medical Questionnaire


(Please ensure middle names are declared)
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Home Address
GP Address

Medical History - All staff groups complete this section

Do you have any illness/impairment/disability (physical or psychological) which may affect your work?(Required)
Have you ever had any illness/impairment/disability which may have been caused or made worse by your work?(Required)
Are you having, or waiting for treatment (including medication) or investigations at present? If your answer is yes, please provide further details of the condition, treatment and dates(Required)
Do you think you may need any adjustments or assistance to help you to do the job?(Required)

Have you suffered from any of the following?

methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)?(Required)
clostridium difficile (C-Diff)?(Required)


I will inform my employer if I am planning to or leave the UK for longer than a three month period to enable a reassessment of my health to be conducted on my return. I declare that the answers to the above questions are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Do you consent to this questionnaire and your immunisation reports being assessed by an Occupational Health Advisor for the purpose of providing a Fitness to Work Certificate?(Required)
Do you consent to our Occupational Health Advisors speaking with you regarding any declaration you may have made relating to your medical history?(Required)
Do you consent to our Occupational Health Advisors making recommendations to your employer/agency to assist with your ability to carry out your prospective role?(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY