Total Assist Nursing is a multi-award winning recruitment agency, specialising in filling and providing temporary and permanent placements across the UK for nurses of all medical bandings, disciplines and specialisms in the public and private sectors.
Total Assist enjoys approved supply status on all National Frameworks in addition to holding many Service level agreements across the UK.
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At Total Assist we recognise the importance of accrediting yourself with Continuous Professional Development Points. As part of our continuous support we offer FREE online training so you can earn valuable CPD points from the comfort of your very own home.
Nursing revalidation is a process that all UK nurses and midwives have to carry out in order to maintain their NMC registration. Making the entire process quick and easy, Total Assist will ensure that you can carry on working legally, safely and effectively at the job you love – nursing and midwifery.
At Total Assist we know that sorting out your appraisal and revalidation can be a bit of a headache, so check out these frequently asked questions.
Being able to prove you are fit to practice year on year is incredibly valuable, both for the safety of the patients you treat as well as the peace of mind of the public. The Nursing and Midwifery Council exists to protect the public and by making revalidation for nurses and midwives a legal requirement, they can ensure that each and every nurse and midwife demonstrates their ability to practice safely through specific criteria.
The requirement for nursing and midwifery revalidation begins 1st April 2016.
If your registration expires after 1st April 2016, you will need to revalidate.
If you have renewed your registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council before 1st April 2016, you will not need to revalidate until three years after your most recent registration date.
What does this involve?
You don’t have to meet these practice hour requirements annually, you just need to ensure you have worked the minimum hours over the three year period since your registration was last renewed. Then, once you have completed your first revalidation, you will need to continue to work 450 practice hours minimum every three years to remain a practicing nurse or midwife.
How do I meet this requirement?
Recording your practice hours is the best way to prove the hours you’ve been working. By working as a nurse or midwife with Total Assist, our time sheets will help you to track of these hours and are also valid forms of evidence for the NMC.
What does this involve?
Every three years, you need to ensure that you have undertaken a minimum of 35 hours CPD, relevant to your scope of practice as a nurse or midwife.20 hours of these must include participatory learning such as:
– Study days
– Learning events e.g. workshops, conferences
– Peer review
– Practice visits
– Coaching/mentoring
How do I meet this requirement?
Be sure to note down the CPD you have taken part in including the number of hours, a description and evidence the CPD has taken place e.g. tickets. Total Assist will be able to advise you on where to find templates to easily keep a record of these activities.
What does this involve?
Over three years, noting down five pieces of feedback should prove very simple but knowing where to seek it and how to record it can be a confusing prospect. However, it can be as simple as keeping thank you cards or letters, team performance reports, ward complaints or even verbal feedback from patients, service users, colleagues and students.
How do I meet this requirement?
Simply keep notes of the feedback. Write down the key points of any verbal feedback you wish to submit and keep all written evidence in a folder for your next revalidation. However, be sure to not record any information that may identify an individual whether they are living or deceased.
What does this involve?
Think back to an instance of your CPD, practice related feedback or any experience in your own professional practice as a nurse or midwife and reflect on how it relates to the NMC Code. These five written accounts enable you to explain what you learnt from each event/experience/feedback, how you improved or changed the way you practice as a result and finally, how it is relevant to the code.
How do I meet this requirement?
Note down each reflective account as and when you get a chance and then keep them saved on your computer. A reminder again, be sure to not record any information in your accounts that may identify an individual whether they are living or deceased.
What does this involve?
Have a professional conversation with another NMC nurse or midwife about your five reflective accounts. You can decide who it is just make sure it is carried out face-to-face.
How do I meet this requirement?
Total Assist can point you in the direction of the specific NMC form to write notes of your discussion. This form also requires the signature and details of the nurse or midwife you spoke to to be eligible for submission for your revalidation. Again, be sure not to record any information in your accounts that may identify an individual whether they are living or deceased. This form must also be completed, stored and shared in a manual paper form rather than electronically (i.e. print it out and write on it)
What does this involve?
This step is simple and just requires you to declare several things about yourself over the three years. These include if you have been convicted of any criminal offences or received a formal caution, your fitness to practice is impaired, your state of health stops you from carrying out safe and effective practice or if your personal character is not in accordance with the NMC code.
How do I meet this requirement?
If none of the above are applicable to you then you don’t need to do a thing. However, if you do need to declare any of these then do not hesitate to contact Total Assist for support or advice on how to complete this for your revalidation.
What does this involve?
This step is to declare that you have appropriate cover under an indemnity arrangement when practicing as a nurse or midwife. This declaration will also include whether this arrangement is with private insurance or a professional body membership.
How do I meet this requirement?
Retain any documentation proving that this arrangement is in place, just in case your confirmer needs to check.
What does this involve?
Confirmation has become a large aspect of the new revalidation structure. A confirmer will look at all the evidence you have collected in support of your revalidation and ‘confirms’ that you have met the revalidation requirements. Without confirmation of the supporting evidence for your revalidation requirements, you will not be revalidated.
How do I meet this requirement?
Confirmation needs to be carried out by someone you can talk to face to face and they do not have to be another registered nurse or midwife. Total Assist are proud to supply trusted and trained third party confirmers to our registered nurses to ensure they are revalidating properly and in good time.
Total Assist are here to provide support and advice to all of our nurses and midwives to ensure you meet all the criteria to revalidate quickly and easily. Total Assist Nursing have a team of revalidation trained consultants, able to provide you with everything you need to know about keeping your CDP up to date or any information about being revalidation ready.
If you require more information contact our dedicated Nursing team on 01708 38807 or email
Total Assist Recruitment is committed to providing the highest standard of compliance via the NHS approved frameworks.
Morning, noon or night, no problem too big or small; you can always rely on Total Assist to pick up your call. Drop us a line and we’ll be happy to help.