NameDouglas Ayemere Idiahi
Date of Birth06/01/1990
Ni NumberTJ894685B
Address History (Must date back 5 years)Idumoza Uromi Edo state
Idumogbor qater
Idumogbor qater, Benin City 311115
Map It
Date from (Address 1)06/01/1990
Date to (Address 1)28/11/2023
Address 2Sheridan way.
Sheridan Way
Nottinghamshire, Nottingham NG 5 1 QJ
United Kingdom
Map It
Date from (Address 2)30/11/2023
Date to (Address 2)26/02/2024
Address 3Brook Street Treforest
Brook Street Treforest
Pontypridd, Pontypridd CF35 1TW
United Kingdom
Map It
Date from (Address 3)26/02/2024
Date to (Address 3)19/04/2024
Place of BirthUromi Edo state
Nationality at birthNigeria
Surname at birthIdiahi
Used until19/04/2024
Do you have any spent or unspent convictions?No
HTML BlockWe need 3 forms of ID before we can apply for your CRB. We must have 1 from Group 1 and 2 from group 2 - Please note we MUST have addressed ID! (All utility bills and Statements must be addressed to your current address)

Group 1

Valid Passport (any nationality)
UK Driving License (photo card only valid if paper part present)

Group 2

UK P45/P60 Statement (issued within last the last 12 months)
Bank or Building Society Statement (issued within the last 3 months)
Credit Card Statement (issued within the last 3 months)
UK Mortgage Statement from a recognised lender
Local council rent card or tenancy agreement (issued within the last 3 months)
Utility Bill - electric, gas, water, telephone - must be a landline bill (issued within the last 3 months), we can accept more than one utility bill as long as they are from different suppliers)
Council Tax Statement (issued within the last 12 months)
Benefit Statement, book or card; or original letter from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) confirming the rights to benefit – i.e child allowance, pension (issued within the last 12 months)
Confirmation from an electoral register search that a person of that name lives at claimed address (issued within the last 12 months)

Name Changes

If you have declared that you have had name changes you must provide us with evidence of this:

Marriage certificate or Civil partnership certificate Birth certificate
Adoption certificate
Divorce, dissolution or annulment papers
HTML Block

Disclosure Check Consent

Consent I confirm