Candidate NameEmma Smith
Mobile Phone+447476965075
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GradeBand 6
SpecialtyPharmacy Technician
Please summarise your career over the last 3 years

I have extensive private and NHS hospital experience and in the last three years have been working at a senior management level at North Middlesex Hospital. I was the Lead Homecare and IT Specialist Technician and managed a team of 5, was responsible for the management of the homecare service, IT upgrades such as JAC and project managed the installation, implementation and any training materials for new programs (at pharmacy and ward levels.) I was also accountable for the homecare invoicing and account reconciliation which I reported to our Trust finance department on a weekly basis.
Recently I have been working in dispensary ACT roles. I was the main checking technician in my previous three roles - checking TTOs, outpatient prescriptions, inpatient prescriptions, dealing withe prescription queries and managing the day to day work flow. Managing the work flow could include ensuring daily KPIs are met (such as prescription waiting times), ensuring the team complete outstanding work from the previous day(s) (To follows), support the pharmacy assistants and trainee technicians with queries, ensuring clinical trial medications are completed on-time and that daily oncology workloads are reviewed and completed as appropriate.

Have you ever been disciplined, suspended, or are you currently under investigation by an NHS Trust, GPHC or other employer (including other agencies) – if yes, please give details


Why have you chosen to register with The Locum Agency? *

Currently looking for work/Interested in Homecare/Clinical Trails job I received an email for

Tell me about a recent occasion when you were under pressure and handled it successfully. - What was the situation? - What actions did you take? - What was the outcome?

A time that I handled being under pressure successfully was when a patient waiting for their medication in an outpatient setting. They had been told that the current waiting time was half an hour. Unfortunately, there was a clinical query with this prescription.
I explained this to the patient, explaining that the team were trying to contact the doctor to resolve the query but the patient was unhappy with the current situation. They began to shout and swear. I told the patient that we go into the side room together to discuss the problem, as I could tell their behavior was making the other patients waiting and the dispensary staff uncomfortable. I made sure the other Technician I was working with came into the room with me and once the patient has explained how frustrated they were and how they had already waited for their appointment, I told them that I understood their frustration, that I would feel the same and that I can empathise with them. I explained that I did not want them to wait longer than needed, I understand that no one wants to stay in hospital, I just didn't want them to take something unsafe for them either. I explained that part of the pharmacy teams job is to ensure that the medication is safe for you. I also took them time to explain the query to the patient.
Once I had said this they began to calm down. I next gave them options on how to resolve the query - The patient could wait for us to contact the doctor, the team could take the patient's phone number and we could call them when it was ready to collect once the query was resolved or the patient could return to the clinic with the prescription to get the query resolved. The patient chose to leave us their mobile number and collect the following day.

What is your understanding of the Medicines Act 1968?

This is a legal document outlining the regulation of licensing, handling, supplying by all medications in the UK. It applies to all human and veterinary uses. It outlines 3 categories of medication - GSL, Pharmacy medicines and prescription only medications.

You are asked to prescribe medication which is not clearly documented within the patients notes and medical record. What should you do?

I would not be prescribing medication as this is not in my role remit

What steps would you take, going forward if you become aware of an incident or complaint, which you were involved or implicated in?

Make a senior team member aware of the incident, fill out a Datix (if appropriate), investigate, apologise to the appropriate parties, reflect on the situation and see how this can be avoided in the future

Please outline your understanding of Clinical Governance.

Clinical governance is reviewing the safety and clinical appropriateness of your services and processes. It will involve investigating incidents and reviewing data, relating to clinical practice and work loads to see if improvements can be made in terms of safety and appropriateness for service users. This will include KPI reviews, performance monitoring and ensuring service standards are always followed. Clinical governance teams ensure all parts of hospital services are functional and safe.

Thinking about a recent difficult situation you’ve had with patient’s relatives – How did you handle this and the outcome

In my previous permanent role, which was pharmacy homecare I had a patient's relative call me to see if we had received their dermatology prescription for processing. I asked the relative for all the patient's details and informed her that we had not received it yet. I could tell that she was distressed by this. She was responsible for her son's medications and it was quite a complex case which she explained to me. I told her that I could chase this up with the Dermatology team and I would call her back with an update.
I ensured that it was chased up for her, an appointment booked in with the dermatology team and once I received the prescription and it had been screened I sent it off to the homecare company for processing. To make sure that she did not worry, I made sure to update her when I received the prescription and sent it off to the homecare company. I told her if she had any futher queries she could call me any time.

Candidate NameEmma Smith
Candidate Signature
Date of Candidate Signature11/01/2024
Date of Interviewer Signature11/01/2024