Candidate NameKamila Armstrong
Mobile Phone+447707470576
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GradeBand 5
SpecialtyPharmacy Technician
Please summarise your career over the last 3 years

I have been practising as a pharmacy technician at Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust over the last 3 years. I have developed my skills through band 4 rotational pharmacy technician to medicines management pharmacy technician. My career as registered pharmacy technician started in March 2020, after completing 2 years pre-registration training at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust.
My practice consists of accurately checking inpatient requests and hospital discharge prescriptions, providing medicine management duties-providing Near Patient Pharmacy Service: day-to-day patient centred care ward visits, drug history taking, ordering inpatient medication and dispensing for discharge, liaising with wider multidisciplinary teams-including GPs ,nurses, HCAs. I have conducted safe and secure storage of medication audits; I have fulfilled core duties in The Medicine Chest Outpatients Pharmacy and inpatient dispensary -leading inpatient dispensary, Forward Thinking Birmingham dispensing and accuracy check of prescriptions, training student pharmacy technicians, pre-registration pharmacists and Assistant Technical Officers; I have ordered and dispensed parental nutrition. I provided support with writing, amending and reviewing Standard Operating Procedures.

Have you ever been disciplined, suspended, or are you currently under investigation by an NHS Trust, GPHC or other employer (including other agencies) – if yes, please give details


Why have you chosen to register with The Locum Agency? *

I would like to expand my current practice as pharmacy technician, broadening experience in general hospital, having gained experience in paediatric setting.
The Locum Agency staff seem to provide professional and comprehensive support through the process of registration and finding suitable work.
I am looking for an assignment that will provide work-life balance and I believe The Locum Agency will support me on this journey.

Tell me about a recent occasion when you were under pressure and handled it successfully. - What was the situation? - What actions did you take? - What was the outcome?

Whilst working at The Medicine Chest outpatient, I received the prescription for Dermol 500. Upon the receipt of the prescription, my colleague asked all relevant questions, including any allergies the patient may have. The patient's representative (parent) stated that they didn't have any drug allergies. The prescription was then handed in to the screening pharmacist and consequently the process of labelling, dispensing, accuracy checking and handing out the prescription followed.
After the patient left the pharmacy, it appeared that the prescription was dispensed in error as it become known through the patient's history that they were allergic to Dermol 500 and were not to use it.
The screening pharmacist missed the recent consultation information and processed with the clinical screen of the prescription. The consultation history stated that parents were advised of the issue.
Upon the findings I accessed PMR (patient's medication records) and retrieved patient's parents phone number and promptly proceeded to phone them. As the not long left the pharmacy, I concluded that they could still be around. The consultation's notes clearly stated that the patient's allergy was severed so it became obvious that the time was of the essence. I successfully reached the parents and asked if the could return to the pharmacy. I calmly explained the situation and asked the pharmacy manager to assist with the conversation. There were many factors that contributed to the error (prescribing error, clinical screening error). I also contacted the patient's consultant and requested that the allergy status would be clearly documented in patient's PMR and further communicated with multidisciplinary team. As a team, we collectively apologised to the patient. We also reflected on our practise as a team.
Throughout the process I followed Standard Operating Procedures that are in place and drew on the experience from training of management of conflict resolution.

What is your understanding of the Medicines Act 1968?

The Medicines Act 1968 governs manufacture and supply of medicines.
The Medicines Act remains the primary legislation in force. It sets out the requirements for the legal sale, supply and administration of medicines.
It divides medical drugs into three categories:
1.Presciption only medicines are the most restricted. They can only be sold or supplied by a pharmacist if supplied by a doctor.
2.Pharmacy medicines can be sold without a prescription but only by a pharmacist.
3.General Sales List medicines can be sold by any shop, not just a pharmacy. However, even here advertising, labelling and production restrictions apply.

You are asked to prescribe medication which is not clearly documented within the patients notes and medical record. What should you do?

Don't prescribe.
Liaise with the pharmacist and multidisciplinary team to establish the patient's medical history.
Liaise with the patient themselves, check GP communication.
Always act within the limits of own authority and follow Standard Operating Procedures.

What steps would you take, going forward if you become aware of an incident or complaint, which you were involved or implicated in?

-follow Standard operating Procedure regarding complaint
-establish if patient's safety compromised, if drug was administered (if any)
-take a written statement (if patient themselves or a family involved)
-liaise with the line manager
-record any errors in near miss database
-fill in Datix
-reflect on the practise

Please outline your understanding of Clinical Governance.

Clinical governance may be defined as 'the framework through which healthcare organisations are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high quality of care'.
-monitoring systems and processes to provide assurance of patient safety and quality of care;
-recognition and maintenance of good practice, learning from mistakes and improving the quality of service;
7 pillars of clinical governance:
-staff management
-clinical effectiveness
-risk management
-education and training
-patient and public involvement

Thinking about a recent difficult situation you’ve had with patient’s relatives – How did you handle this and the outcome

-followed Standard Operating Procedure
-remained calm throughout the process, using communication skills explaining calmly
-asked for manager's assistance
-displaying Trust values
-Patient Liaison Team involved on patient's family request
-working with multidisciplinary team resolving issue
-constantly informing patient and their family of the progress
outcome: positively resolved conflict with angry family members
Points to highlight from conflict situation:
-communication is the key
-interacting with patient, their family and MDT in calm and collected manner
-delegating other duties to other pharmacy staff;

Candidate NameKamila Armstrong
Candidate Signature
Date of Candidate Signature29/01/2024
Date of Interviewer Signature29/01/2024