Candidate NameRoshin Kollarath
Mobile Phone+447427638258
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GradeBand 5
SpecialtyPharmacy Technician
Please summarise your career over the last 3 years

I am working as a Pharmacy Technician at Bedford Hospital.

Have you ever been disciplined, suspended, or are you currently under investigation by an NHS Trust, GPHC or other employer (including other agencies) – if yes, please give details


Why have you chosen to register with The Locum Agency? *

Better pay

Tell me about a recent occasion when you were under pressure and handled it successfully. - What was the situation? - What actions did you take? - What was the outcome?

While I was working in the ward, I received a request from the Dispensary for my assistance due to short staffing. However, I made sure to prioritize my work and complete the urgent tasks before heading to the Dispensary. By doing so, I was able to finish the important work in the ward and also provide help in the Dispensary. I handed over the completed tasks to the Pharmacist before leaving the ward.

What is your understanding of the Medicines Act 1968?

The Medicines Act 1968 is a law in the United Kingdom that governs medicinal product production, distribution, and commercialization. This act sets out the legal framework for ensuring available medicines' safety, effectiveness, and quality.

You are asked to prescribe medication which is not clearly documented within the patients notes and medical record. What should you do?

In case of medication questions, I will speak to the patient and other healthcare professionals in the ward to confirm authenticity. I will record my findings and inform the pharmacy team of the outcome.

What steps would you take, going forward if you become aware of an incident or complaint, which you were involved or implicated in?

I will report it to the appropriate authorities, document everything, cooperate with investigations, seek guidance from the senior staff and manager, review policies and procedures, learn from the incident, maintain confidentiality, and follow up.

Please outline your understanding of Clinical Governance.

Clinical Governance is a framework and a set of practices that healthcare organizations adopt to ensure and improve the quality and safety of patient care. It involves a systematic approach to monitoring, maintaining, and enhancing the standards of clinical practice and healthcare delivery.

Thinking about a recent difficult situation you’ve had with patient’s relatives – How did you handle this and the outcome

While I was working at the dispensary, one of the patient's family members expressed their dissatisfaction with the long wait for the outpatient prescription. After speaking with them, I discovered that the medication was out of stock, and the pharmacist was waiting for confirmation from the procurement team. I contacted the procurement team to verify the situation and then informed the patient and their family member about the delay. I politely asked for their mobile number and assured them that a pharmacy team member would be in touch as soon as the medication was available. The family member agreed and was content to return later to collect the medication.

Candidate NameRoshin Kollarath
Candidate Signature
Date of Candidate Signature31/01/2024
Date of Interviewer Signature31/01/2024