Candidate NamePamela Ofori-Gyebi
Mobile Phone+447958356092
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GradeBand 7
Please summarise your career over the last 3 years

Permanent continuous service within the NHS

Have you ever been disciplined, suspended, or are you currently under investigation by an NHS Trust, GPHC or other employer (including other agencies) – if yes, please give details


Why have you chosen to register with The Locum Agency? *

Make some extra money whilst on an extended maternity leave

Tell me about a recent occasion when you were under pressure and handled it successfully. - What was the situation? - What actions did you take? - What was the outcome?

everyday being a mother and juggling home and work life balance

What is your understanding of the Medicines Act 1968?

An Act to make new provision with respect to medicinal products and related matters, and for purposes connected therewith."[1] It governs the control of medicines for human use and for veterinary use, which includes the manufacture and supply of medicines, and the manufacture and supply of (medicated) animal feeding stuffs.[

You are asked to prescribe medication which is not clearly documented within the patients notes and medical record. What should you do?

Speak to the patient or relative. Check for any repeat slips, medication boxes, outpatient slips or speak to discharging doctor/ ward

What steps would you take, going forward if you become aware of an incident or complaint, which you were involved or implicated in?

I will follow companies process and procedures in dealing with complaint e.g. Datix, write a reflective account

Please outline your understanding of Clinical Governance.

A systematic approach to maintaining and improving the quality of patient care within the National Health Service (NHS) and private sector health care.

Thinking about a recent difficult situation you’ve had with patient’s relatives – How did you handle this and the outcome

Listened, emphasized and advised following trust guidelines

Candidate NamePamela Ofori-Gyebi
Candidate Signature
Date of Candidate Signature21/02/2024
Date of Interviewer Signature21/02/2024
Did the candidate have a good command of the English language?
  • Yes
Was the candidate pleasant and polite?
  • Yes
Was the candidate courteous and helpful?
  • Yes
Are you happy to offer this candidate work on the basis of this interview?
  • Yes