Candidate NameMaureen Joe-Manuel
Mobile Phone+447966036428
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GradeBand 8
Please summarise your career over the last 3 years

Lead clinical pharmacist overseeing the care of patients and general clinical pharmacist contribution towards the required outcome for the patients undergoing surgery/treatment in the hospital. Monitoring surgical patients which included orthopedic,urology, gynecology,ENT etc. Underwent clinical oncology training and worked as oncology pharmacist when required in the hospital. Involved also in the training of pharmacy team to achieve competency in areas pertaining to their job description. Worked in the community pharmacy, delivery patient care according to NHS England community pharmacy frame work.

Have you ever been disciplined, suspended, or are you currently under investigation by an NHS Trust, GPHC or other employer (including other agencies) – if yes, please give details


Why have you chosen to register with The Locum Agency? *

They seem to be a very organised agency.

Tell me about a recent occasion when you were under pressure and handled it successfully. - What was the situation? - What actions did you take? - What was the outcome?

A patient was waiting for an infusion which had a time line for it to be administered and our regular delivery had not turned up. With the permission of management, i made an arrangement for a courier service to pick up the medication and had a timely delivery just before the next administration.

What is your understanding of the Medicines Act 1968?

Medicines act 1968 provides a quidelines on medicinal products and other related matters regarding prescribing and sales of medicines.
Medicines are categorized into prescription only medicines (POM), Pharmacy sale in the presence of a pharmacist (P) and general sales medicines(GSL). This enables all parties involved to be able to legally comply with the necessary requirements at all times.
It provides details on prescription requirements for the various categories of medicines like POM,Control drugs etc. Also classes of various control drugs and requirement for each class.

You are asked to prescribe medication which is not clearly documented within the patients notes and medical record. What should you do?

I will have to speak with the consultant/doctor whom the patient is under to discuss the situation. i will not dispense medication not documented in the patient note or medical records.

What steps would you take, going forward if you become aware of an incident or complaint, which you were involved or implicated in?

I will review the complaint, take my learning point. Carry out a CPD if it pertains to learning more about the drug. Generally familiarise myself again with protocols, guidelines and anything necessary in order not to have a repeat situation of the complaint or incident.

Please outline your understanding of Clinical Governance.

Clinical governance is a framework of how organisations carry out their duties regarding patient care in line with NHS requirements. It involves various aspects that is usually regularly updated to be able to deliver best possible care outcome for all involved. These areas include Staff management,clinical effectiveness,risk management, staff education and training, clinical audits, information management etc.

Thinking about a recent difficult situation you’ve had with patient’s relatives – How did you handle this and the outcome

A relative wanted to know what the patient medication was prescribed for in the absence of the patient. I explain that because of information governance i could not tell him without the consent of the patient. He insisted and was getting agitated that he's the carer and needs to know, i calmly explained to him,tried to call the patient but couldn't reach her. He later understood why we couldn't divulge the information

Candidate NameMaureen Joe-Manuel
Candidate Signature
Date of Candidate Signature08/02/2024
Date of Interviewer Signature08/02/2024